This post was supposed to be all about my mom's birthday since we recently celebrated it. But I can't write about my mom without writing about her mom. My Grandma Marie was such an instrumental part of my life that I cannot believe that I haven't written much about her on this blog. She was a Leap-Year baby so she only got to celebrate her birthday on the exact day she was born once every four years. She married her high school sweetheart in 1933. They raised 7 children...4 boys and 3 girls, my mom being the youngest. When my mom was born, Grandma was 42 years old! Mom was born on the first day of Spring and Grandma wanted to name her Spring Melody. She loved spring and loved to see the first johnny-jump-ups of the season. Grandma was often humming a tune, making cookies, or doing a crossword puzzle. I was lucky enough to live next door to my grandparents while growing up and their home had an open-door policy. She walked either through the field or up and down the street every night, regardless of the weather. Grandma had a strong testimony of the Gospel and showed it daily through the way she lived. Grandma was very close to her sisters, Dot & Naida, Dee, Ella, & Verna. Because of her example my mom and her sisters (and sisters-in-law) have great relationships and now my sisters and I work towards having the same bond. Grandma Marie was such a great example.
Anyway, my mom decided she wanted to come to Utah to celebrate her birthday. She mentioned it to one of her sisters and before you knew it, it had turned into a sister weekend. My mom drove Sue's car with Karen in the backseat! They got to our house on Friday afternoon, March 18th. Emily, Jeff, & Miley and Callie & Mike came over to visit with the aunts for a while. I had made Grandma Marie's Famous Chocolate Cake so we sang "Happy Birthday" and let mom blow out the candles. Then Aunts Sue & Karen went to spend the evening with Karen's son, Shane. We had dinner and the boys entertained Granny. The next morning mom & I went to pick up my Bountiful Basket. It was just a few minutes from Shane's house so we stopped there on our way home. We then met Callie, Emily, and Miley at Zupa's for lunch. Aunts Sue & Karen thought that sounded good too so they ate lunch with Shane's wife, Sara, and his daughter Lauren just one table over. We were glad they were there because they held babies & took a few pictures of us! Mom then treated herself & her daughters to a pedicure...always a treat! It's a little difficult going places with 3 babies but we made it work and the babies were all very good. Sue & Karen picked up our mother after her pedicure and they headed back to Idaho. It was a quick trip but fun-filled and we're glad we got to celebrate mom's birthday with her.
So the title of this post is "Stalwart Women" because I truly believe I am surrounded by women who are strong in every aspect of their lives...physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. My Aunt Karen raised 5 kids. She is now in her 70s but continues to go to the gym every day. She has cooking classes with her granddaughters every week. She served a mission with her husband. And she was a nurse and present at my mom's birth! Someday I hope to be like her.
My Aunt Sue raised 8 kids. She has served in many callings for the Church, Relief Society President, Stake callings, and served a mission with her husband to Scotland. She is a short lady but very fiesty! (In a good way.) She has always been a good example. During this visit I asked her how she ever stayed caught up on the laundry with 8 kids (because I struggle with this.) She taught her kids to work and someday I hope to be like her.
My sister Callie lived with us for over 2 years. Recently she's been working on nutrition and weight loss and has succeeded! She is like a second mom to my kids and they look forward to Aunt Callie's visits now. She became one of my very best friends during the time she lived with us and we were able to tell each other everything. She is HILARIOUS and has an infectious personality. Someday I hope to be like her.
My sister Emily and I have just recently become close friends. Until her baby girl was born, Emily worked a lot and didn't have a lot of "down" time where she could just come hang out. Since Miley's birth, that has changed and now we try to see each other as often as we can. She has helped me a lot in different ways...from watching kids during doctor's appointments to folding my laundry and everything in between. When she comes to my house, she is always willing to help me with any project I have going on. She is one of the most organized and clean people I know. Someday I hope to be like her.
My sister-in-law No'el is fabulous. She has such a love for life and it is obvious in how she lives. She recently took a tour group to Europe and was the tour guide! She is very intelligent and enjoys learning. She works from her home as a school teacher for an online academy and is able to balance work, family, and activities like a pro. She waited for my brother while he served his mission and they bring out the best in each other. She is so easy-going and fun to be around. Someday I hope to be like her.
My mom and I are very good friends. We talk every day, at least once. She knows pretty much everything that I struggle with, everything I worry about, everything I'm proud of. She always has a listening ear and offers good advice (when asked for it.) She is fabulous on the piano and we share that love of music. She takes everything in stride and doesn't get too bent out of shape over much. She's has taught me a lot about being a wife and mother! She is patient, loveable, kind, and nice. Someday I hope to be like her!
Good grief, while I'm at it, why not mention my mother-in-law, Tisa? When I was single, I was a little nervous about my future relationship with my in-laws. I'd heard such horror stories and just figured that no one got along with their spouses family. This is not the case with my MIL & I. From the minute we met, I felt a genuine connection with her. She's easy to talk to and always willing to help out. She and my father-in-law lived in Hawaii for 6 years. The distance was difficult. We are glad they moved back to Utah and are able to watch their grandkids grow up. She & Dave were recently called to be service missionaries. They'll be great!
Spencer only has one sister, Kate. Although we haven't always been close, we're working on it. She loves our kids and is always interested in them. She lives in Seattle so we don't see her often. We enjoyed her most recent visit and hope to see her again soon.
I'm sure there are others I should write about...and I will eventually. But that's all for now.
1 year ago