Ryan and No'el took a mini vacation March 8-10. They left their three girls with Emily. We were excited because we didn't have school that Friday so we were able to play with cousins! Emily does such a great job of "babysitting." If I had been babysitting the girls, we would have just gone on with our routine and maybe squeeze in a couple fun things. Not Em! She planned numerous outings and had things to do to keep the girls entertained. On Thursday night, she called and asked if any of the boys wanted to go with them to the mall. Gavin and Owen were playing at friends' houses but Cam was happy to be invited. The girls each had a little money and were given permission to spend it on whatever they wanted. While Abbie was busy looking for clothes, Cam took Jette up and down the elevator and kept her happy.

I think Abbie ended up buying a shirt. Avery decided to buy a "Best Friends" necklace that actually said "Sisters Forever." She loves Gavin and got it in her mind that he'd like half of the necklace. Em tried to tell her boys don't really wear necklaces but she thought Gavin would like it, just because they are Best Friends. And he would have. But she realized when they got home that maybe it wasn't the best gift for a boy...
On Friday, we planned to go to a bounce house. There had been an online coupon for half price admission and Emily had bought one. I was supposed to have bought enough for my boys too but when I finally remembered to sit down and do it, they were sold out! So once we arrived at the bounce house and realized it was going to cost me $44 for my boys, we quickly changed plans. Instead we went to Temple Square. We went and saw the Christus and then headed to the Children's History Exhibit, part of the Family History Museum. It was FREE and so much fun!

We had found 2-hour parking and thought that sounded like enough time. We easily could have stayed 2 more hours. The kids were so entertained, all 9 of them! We even saw cousin, Amber and her girls there. When we finally pried the kids away, we went to get lunch at Wendy's. We planned to go to an indoor swimming facility too but on our way home, the girls decided they were exhausted and needed a nap! So we decided to save that activity for another visit.
We weren't able to do anything with the girls on Saturday...Cameron had plans with his dad & Grandpa Styer to work on his Pine Wood Derby car, I had to work, and Spence & I had tickets to Guster that evening so we had a babysitter coming. But Sunday was Jeff's birthday and his brothers, James (and wife Jillian) and Mark (and "friend") came to celebrate with him. After church, we met them all at the Ampitheater/park. Madi & Han were napping so Spence stayed home with them. It was windy and chilly but the kids loved being together again.
Ryan and No'el got back that evening. The boys were sad to see their cousins head back to Idaho. I think Emily was a tiny bit relieved though!