This morning Cameron informed Spencer & I that he wouldn't be going on a mission. This came completely out of the blue and I realize it's way to early in his life to even be concerned. However, if any of you would like to give him a little encouragement, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
1 year ago
Payton (also in Kindergarten) is scared of the thought of going on a mission too. Maybe it is this age??? Anyway, after talking with him more, he really wanted Mom to go with him. I think he was mostly afraid of leaving Mom and Dad. Pretty scary for a 6 year old to think about right? Give him time.... he will change his mind as he gets closer to 8 (at least that has been our experience....)
Sept. 20
Grandpa & Granny certainly hope Cam changes his mind. We need him to continue the tradition of missionaries in our extended family, and start the tradition with our own grandchildren!
Dear Cameron!
Gma and Gpa Styer think that serving a mission might be a pretty scary thing for a 6 year old but by the time you are 19 you will not only be older but you will also be prepared and ready. That's why Heavenly Father didn't ask 6 year olds to go far away from home and serve a mission. Why don't you ask Heavenly Father if it is the right thing to do? I read a story in the Friend just recently about a little boy who asked and received a very special answer about going on a mission. I will pray for you too. I have been so far away from you Cameron, and one of the things I have been thinking about is being in Church on the Sunday you give your talk about how excited you are to go and serve the Lord on a mission (13 years from now)....I will be an old lady by then...but YOU will be young and eager. Ask Daddy to tell you about his mission, show you pictures, read from his journal and a song he used to sing to prepare himself. I'll be praying for you! Aloha Gma
No worries Natalie! Jace is the same way sometimes. We just had missionaries for dinner and Jace can't believe they can't watch t.v.(he doesn't think he can do that) Of course for six year old it scares them to think about leaving their Mom and Dad. Just keep doing what you are doing and when he is 19 he will want to go.
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