I might be biased but I think my boys are cute, no matter what. I like their faces when they are smiling, mad, crying, laughing, etc. So I'm going to brag on them for a few minutes...
Owen is almost 18 months old. He has been "trying out" nursery for the past few weeks and has done pretty well. When we went to the nursery on Sunday the nursery leader asked me how many more weeks until he was official. Then they told me that he would be fine without me so I left him in nursery by himself the whole time! He loves it and thinks he is so big now. He is definitely a smart little man. Last week while we were at Granny's he had something in his hand that wasn't a toy. I said, "Owen, give that to mom." He said, "No...mine." We have conversations like that all the time. 
He just started making his lips into a cheerio whenever he is thirsty...that's his sign. I wanted to take a picture of it last night but as soon as he saw the camera, he changed from the "o" face to a big fake smile! Hammin' it up all the time!!! 
He also surprised us recently when we asked the big boys to fold their arms for prayer, he did too! Last night for FHE we took the boys to see the Idaho Falls Visitors Center. Owen wasn't very interested in the movie we were watching (Together Forever) so dad entertained him but letting him try on his sunglasses. I can't believe my baby is getting so big!
Gavin is smart, fun, loving, and aggressive all rolled in to one charming boy. He loves to sing, play, wrestle, and go outside. He found some nail polish a few days ago and decided that he wanted both of his thumbnails painted. He thinks it's okay because the nail polish was blue and "blue is for boys." This picture is of him doing his "mean" face. I don't know why he thinks it is so cute but he insists on doing it for most pictures. He wasn't very impressed with the Visitors Center last night and said he wanted to go in the REAL temple now. I'll be glad next year when I can send him to preschool for a few days. He is so smart and thinks he needs to be learning NOW!
Cameron is tender and gentle but can get mean and pouty if he thinks the situation requires. He has learned so much this year in kindergarten. This morning we sat down and he read a Level 2 book to me. He has to work on the hard words but he knows how to sound them out and he's pretty proud of himself when he finishes the book. He takes piano lessons and is doing very well in that too. He gets a little silly when it's time to practice though. He's excited for soccer and summer and so am I. Last night at the Visitors Center he sat and watched the whole movie. At one point they were talking about the warm feeling you can feel. He leaned over to me and said, "That warm feeling they are talking about is the Holy Ghost." Precious. On the way home we stopped and got icecream cones for the boys. Cam volunteered to share his with Owen because he is so sweet. By the way, notice who's fingers are making the bunny ears on Cam's head!
My boys are not always perfect but we sure love them!
Awwwww, that was the sweetest post! They really are as great as you've described each of them - but you failed to mention that Gav is my boyfriend.
So when are we hanging out this week?
That was a very nice post. I miss my little friends and think that they are great, too!
It's great to hear Mom brag about her boys! I am glad they are doing so well and there's something to brag about! But I am one of the grandmas and I will always brag about them! Thanks for being so diligent, Natalie, to keep me updated with pictures and bragging. I miss you all!
Natalie, you need to remember all these good times, because there will again come a time when they do something naughty, like poke holes in the leather couch or dump red sprinkles all over the lemon-lime spring cake! Hopefully those times will be few and far between. They really are good boys and I love to spend time with them.
What a nice post about your boys. They are very well behaved and nice boys. That just shows how good their mom and dad are! Let's get together.
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