Cam's school had a "Family Fun Night" on Friday. It was not all that fun. There were way too many people, way too few things to do, and it was HOT! They had a bouncy thing that the boys got to jump in for 3 minutes and a blow up dolphin slide. Cam & Gavin were so excited to go down that stupid thing and they got within 3 people when they decided to shut it down so the school could have everyone's attention for the RAFFLE. Grrr...and we didn't win anything in the raffle either.
In the end we just went and played on the playground which was much more fun...
Oh, the things we do for our kids. Family FUN night! I'm sure the boys had more fun than you did. But at least you went. And yes, their face painting is rather lame. They are so cute in their shorts and swimsuits. Let's hope the warm weather stays with us.
Those just might be the lamest face paints ever. Not that I'm some kind of pro, but at least I'm not setting myself up to paint children's faces. I mean come on! At least the playground was fun!
Way to be supportive of Cameron's Alma Mater! Those things are always hard to go to but you went and that's a good thing! Face painting? That's a bad thing! The monkey bars are always a hit!
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