Cameron started school Monday. He sort of had a hard day because his new school is on a year-round schedule and the class he started with yesterday has been in session since July 28th so the other kids already knew the routine and he was a little confused. I asked him what he ate for lunch and he said, "They said it was macaroni and cheese but it didn't look like anything I'd eaten before!" I'm sure he'll adjust quickly...
1 year ago
Your house looks really nice! (the front door anyway) The boys look so cute! I'm sure Cam will settle right in at school. We will miss you guys and our occasionly play dates!
I can't believe you're already moved! It sounds like you had a lot of help, which is wonderful. Forward me your address sometime soon.
is this your new house? i think we need to see pics! sounds like the move went well- good luck with everything!
That's hilarious! I guess kids will eat if they're hungry :)
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