I realize that my posts aren't nearly as fun without the pictures but since I use this blog as a little journal, I am posting the following adventure that Cameron took us on yesterday...
I pick Cam up from school every day. However, I started 2 new piano students yesterday and, due to a brain malfunction, forgot what time I needed to pick him up and scheduled my students so that I wouldn't be finished teaching until 10 minutes after Cam got out of school. I arranged with Cam's friend Alec's mom to pick him up and drop him off at our house on her way home. She woke up yesterday morning with a cold and an earache so she took some medicine and went to bed. This is where the problems begin...
Alec's dad picked the kids up from school so that his wife could continue napping and trying to feel better. When Cam got in the truck he asked if Cam was coming over to play. That sounded like a good idea to Cam & Alec so they said YES. I finished teaching piano lessons and realized that my sweet 1st grader had not come home. I wasn't ready to panic yet but when Alec's mom didn't answer her cell phone I decided to take a little drive past the school and over to Alec's house to pick Cam up. I left a note at our house in words Cam could read, in case he got home while I was on my drive. It said "Cameron- I went to find you. Stay Home!" I tried calling Alec's mom a few times but still didn't get an answer. And no one answered at their house. So I found the dad's cell phone number and tried him. No answer. I'm starting to panic. I text Spencer to get his opinion on the situation and he told me to stay home and to pray. I knew Cam was safe because he's played with Alec and his family numerous times. I was just worried because I didn't know where on earth he was. I decided to try the dad's cell phone one more time. He answered! It was nearly 2 hours after Cam should have been home.
Because the mom wasn't feeling well, the dad had taken all the kids to drop the older brothers off at football practice in Murray! He said Cameron and Alec had just barely admitted that Cam was supposed to go home after school but Cam didn't know my number and neither did the dad. (I know I'm terrible but with the move and all the other adjustments in the last few months, I haven't taught Cam our new phone number yet.) To make a long story short, we met with the dad and got Cam back, safe and sound with a huge grin on his face! Needless to say, I wrote our address and phone numbers on a note card and put it in Cam's backpack for future reference.
1 year ago
Wow. I would have been in full blown panic mode. I'm am also laughing because I can totally see it from Cqameron's point of view. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Gotta love two sneaky little boys- after the fact that is!:) Good job on not totally panicing, I totally woulda been!
You'll look back on this one day and laugh, however, I can only imagine the full blown panic you were in! So glad everything turned out okay in the end! I'm glad you're journaling all this! It will be important when Cameron is the DAD!
I loved this story and smiled the whole time I read it! Of course, had it been Carter, it would have been a whole other story without me smiling much, but some things seem funnier when it's not your own kid!!! :):):)
Wow - I do not envy the emotions that you went through. I'm glad everything is just fine!
Missing you millions! You'd laugh if you could see my tummy right now - baby has already dropped!
Take care!
Ehsneaky boy! I was giggling while reading this because I can totally see Cam thinking what a great idea it would be to play at a friend's house. You better believe I'd freak out if Miss Nadia tried that! Good job staying calm!
LOL! I had that happen once! So glad things turned out fine, and that you are getting students! So fun!
Ugh. I'm so glad that you didn't tell me about this until after the fact. I would've been searching and yelling his name all over Salt Lake County! I love my little friends and don't even like the fact of them being hurt or lost.
You can never be too careful. After all you are living in the BIG CITY now! Miss ya!
How scary! I would haven't been so calm. I would probably would have had an Amber Alert out by the 1st hour. I am way too paranoid. I am glad he was actual fun.
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