Cameron FINALLY lost his first tooth! He is 7 years, 3 months, and 1 week old and he has been looking forward to this day for a long time. His permanent tooth was already growing in behind the baby tooth so you can't really see a major hole. But he's excited anyway. And the tooth fairy came!
In other news, Owen is practically potty trained! I'm expecting a few more weeks of minor accidents but overall he is doing great. We're so glad to be out of diapers!
1 year ago
The tooth fairy rocks.
I think when we moved over here Cam had just gotten that tooth...and now he's lost it! Life marches on! Okay, Cam don't lose anymore until I get back! It won't be long now!
Yeah for Cam to finally lose a tooth! He sure looks cute without it. Congrats to Owie for learning how to be a big boy! Your header pic looks great!
I love your new family pic! You all look great.
What a great family picture! Congrats on the potty are amazing!!
How fun for Cameron. It was good to see you guys last weekend.
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