The boys each wrote a letter to Santa. We laughed a lot and wanted to share. For some reason, Cam's letter didn't upload as big as the other two. His is the funniest so I typed what he wrote. Dear Santa, I want a light saber. I've been good. Owen, 2-years-old
Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. I am 5-years-old and I try to be good. Gavin
Dear Santa Claus, I want a B.B. gun. Please tell me if I am good or bad. Cameron, 8-years-old (He'll be 8 December 20th but he decided to sign his letter as how old he'd be on Christmas)
1 year ago
That is so cute! I love how it progressed from "I've been good" to "I try to be good" to "Tell me if I've been good or bad." That is classic! Just wait till he's a teenager... ;-)
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