It is nearly four in the morning. Lately my body has decided to wake up around 3:30 and stay awake until 5:30, sometimes 6:00. I have a lot on my mind.
In January, Spencer and I found out another little spirit was going to come live with our family. Though not at all planned, throughout the last couple of months we were getting used to the idea of having 4 children. I wasn't sick much...just the occasional nausea and lack of desire to eat anything protein. We were able to keep it a secret from EVERYONE except Callie. (We weren't even going to tell her until Spencer wisely said that he knew I'd need someone to talk to, confide in, etc. and she was SO happy for us, it was a good thing I told her.) We didn't tell our moms, families, friends, or boys.
On March 16th we went in for our first doctor's appointment. When I picked Spencer up at work to go with me he told me what a busy day at work it had been and that he may get a few phone calls that he'd have to deal with during the appointment. I said, "I can go alone if you need to stay at work. I'll be fine." I mean, I thought the appointment would be like the others I'd been to when expecting a new addition. But Spencer said that being at the appointment was way more important than work, so on we went.
Because I had felt good and actually haven't even put on any weight (I may have even lost) I was mentally prepared for the doctor to tell me that I wasn't pregnant at all. In fact, I asked Spencer why we were even there. It all felt a little silly to me. We visited with the Doctor in his office (which I think is the NICEST thing ever, to visit with your doctor and express concerns, etc while fully clothed and not sitting on a bed lined with paper.) I even told the doctor and nurse that I wouldn't be surprised if they said there wasn't a baby inside of me.
The doctor took us in to the Ultrasound room and I got dressed in the unflattering gown. The doc came in and tried to flip on a soft light and turn out the rest but the bulb burned out so he told me, apologetically, that he'd need to crack the door to let just a little light in. I was fine with that. He put the gel on my tummy and placed the wand on top and started moving it around. I glanced at the monitor and said, "See, there's nothing in there." To which the doctor got a BIG smile on his face and stopped, pointing at the monitor and said, "Actually, there's one...and there's another." What? Twins? Complete shock!!! I think Spencer muttered, "Are you kidding me?" but I can't be sure. I couldn't really comprehend anything from that point on.
The few things I remember: Most expectant mothers carry twins only to 36 weeks. I'm 11 weeks along so I'd say I'm pretty much finished with my 1st trimester. My official due date (if I were to miraculously carry them until 40 weeks) is October 3rd so we're planning a late August, early September delivery. (As a side note, Emily is due August 10th so the cousins will be very close.) I have to see the doctor a lot more than I ever knew. Monthly until 20 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 24 weeks, weekly until 28 weeks, then bi-weekly until delivery. We'll have numerous ultrasounds throughout to make sure both babies are developing at the same rate. And the doctor told me that anything I had learned from my previous pregnancies, I could basically throw out the window because this was a whole new ballgame.
We decided to tell our families immediately. Both moms got called within 30 seconds of walking out of the doctor's office. Siblings have all been told. Spencer decided that we should tell our boys the same night. (He had a valid point that as soon as I start showing, I'm going to get huge fast, so we can't really delay much longer.) Gavin and Owen were excited. Gavin guesses that there is one girl and one boy. Owen said he thinks it's two boys, (Heaven help me.) Cam wasn't as excited. In fact he felt pretty bad about it. I told him it was okay to feel bad because I knew eventually he'd be happy. When I dropped him off at school the following day I told him that we weren't ready to tell people in our ward yet. I needed a little more time to digest. Since there is a little girl in his class who is in our ward, I asked him not to tell anyone. He asked if he could tell his teacher and I thought that would be a good idea, so she'd understand why he was grumpy and preoccupied in his thinking. I guess sometime between getting out of the car and getting in to the school, Cam decided he was okay with it now and he could tell a few people. He ended up sharing the news with some kids at school (he can't remember who or how many) and the majority of the neighborhood. In fact, my 1st counselor in the Primary called me while I was teaching piano lessons and left a message that she needed to talk to me ASAP...she'd heard the news from one of the little boys in Primary who'd heard from Cameron. So, although I am still trying to come to terms with this news on my own, Cam has told the ward...
For the record, this wasn't our plan. We got reminded today that Heavenly Father is completely in charge of our lives. We may have a say in the matter, but ultimately, He is in control. Go ahead and laugh (it's the most common reaction)...and pray that there are four little pigtails in our future!!!
This is what an ultrasound with multiple children looks like. You can vaguely see the line separating the two babies. There are two tiny bodies in there too.
1 year ago
Holy crapioli sister!!! That's freaking awesome! I mean, sure it's a bit terrifying and daunting and unexpected and all that, but you and Spencer are the best parents, these two little girls (fingers crossed!) are just begging to come be part of your family!
Good luck, congratulations, and you know your god-family is here for anything you need! :-)
Congratulations! That's so exciting!
oh my carumba!! im crying im so happy for you guys!! you are such an amazing person you will do great!! my fingers are crossed for two little healthy babies (girl babies)!!
Oh my goodness you're going to be busy!!! Congrats and we'll cross our fingers that the Tew curse will be broken and you can have some girls :)
That is so exciting. I am so happy for you. Keep us all posted.
YOU. HAVE. GOT. TO. BE. KIDDING! i am in shock! this is such exciting news!!!! you get a 2 for 1! that is AWESOME!!!
AWESOME!!! Good luck with everything:)
Ugh, that 1st counselor seems bossy! It really is so exciting! I do hope you guys get some girls, they'll be cuties. And holy doctors appointments!!! That is a whole new ball game.
how exciting & overwhelming & everything in between! congratulations!! hope all goes well & i can't wait to hear if you'll be getting little girls, little boys, or one of each!!
I'm still in shock over this, so I can't imagine how you feel!! But honestly, I'm thrilled for you. You're such a great Mom. Heavenly Father knew you were up for the task. Blue or Pink.....hmmmm, I can't wait to find out! Love you!
Welcome to the world of twins! Sounds like your dr. is very proactive, that is good with twins! Good luck and I hope it all goes well, they truly are miracles, even though some days it doesn't seem like it! Let me know if you have any questions
Congratulations!! When I read your title I thought she just watched a Little Caesars commercial or she is having twins:) Did you tell Callie that she needs to stick around and live with you guys as long as she wants!? That's exciting!!
2 sets of pigtails or 2 gelled crewcuts...we're thrilled either way! I have to admit...pigtails would be way fun and much needed but I don't care...just want 20 fingers and 20 toes. Just could be triplets! Don't worry---be happy! I always felt like Heavenly Father sends twins to those who are the most organized and ready for the experience. We're here for you guys!
Congrats that is so exciting. I new twins were going to have to hit someone in the family at some point. And I'm so excited it's you and not me :) You guys will do awesome and I bet your boys will be such good helpers. Let us know if we can do anything for you.
Oh Natalie!!! I am happy for you and glad it is not me. Don't take that the wrong way but I just don't think I would be able to handle it. I guess you never think you can handle something until you have too. I do hope you have 2 little girls coming your way and I wish you the best of luck!!! Congrats and I look forward to hearing more about your progress.
oh-my-goodness. (That's what Alan and I both said!) Congratulations!!! (I think) hahaha.
I have no words!!!! That is so amazing! You are such good parents, and I know Heanvenly Father trusts you to raise all those little ones. Can't wait to find out boy or girl...
Holy Cow Nat! That is seriously SO COOL!!! Every time I have been pregnant I have imagined hearing that news...really excited! Im thinking pink for ya...
Dad and I are so excited for the arrival of two new babies in our family, actually 3 counting Jeff & Em's. How blessed we are! You will be charting unknown waters, and the unknown is usually the hardest. I'm sure you'll just take it all in stride and do very well with your little family. I think we'll be making more trips than usual to Utah! :)
We are beyond thrilled that you made some cousins close in age with our baby! They will be the best of friends! I can just imagine our baby talking to your twins in heaven, persuading them that "Now's the coolest time to go to earth!" We sure look forward to meeting those little angels! So fun!!!!!
WOW! You're right. We are laughing a little but I am truly envious. Really. My mom always says she thinks multiples come to amazing parents and Heavenly Father needs them to take more than one spirit so that they can all get here.
We will be watching your blog closely and really are so excited for you! It's funny because last week I finally wrote down your blog address. I have to go into one of my sisses to access it and I wanted it on my own blog list. Now- you know I will. :)
Holy Smokes! How exciting...we can't wait to see these 2 little babies. I can't believe it! Your boys will be great big brothers. I know if anyone can handle it-you can!
OH MY!!! I am so happy for you! And I am crossing my fingers for 4 pigtails! Congratulations!
Beave says "Serious?!" and "Congrats!!" Hope everything goes well for you!!
Holy crap Twins!! That is awesome!! Good luck with everything. I hope it's 2 girls. :)
Congrats. I am excited for you. you never know you may like having 2. Good luck.
Congratulations! These twins are so blessed to be part of your family. It is crazy that you were trying to wrap your mind around having four kids and now you will have five. I've noticed that's the way the Lord works sometimes (It seems like He send twins last in a family, maybe to make sure all the spirits that are intended to come to your home do come to you). We just wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS!!!
This is so amazing! When I heard you announce it to the Primary kids as I was walking by today, I couldn't believe it! I will pray for pigtails for you!
Holy Cow, congrats! I am excited for your new adventure!
I hope this is okay. I found your blog of Megan Peterson and my husband was neighbors with Spencer's family in Garland. Just Fyi, we had twins 3 years ago and another one of their neighbors Chirs Huber had twins too. What a coincidence! Tell Spencer Cortney Hirschi says hi and congrats from both of us.
What?!? I cannot believe this! What an adventure you are in for. I know that you of all the people that I know will do a great job handling two! Congratulations!!!
AWESOME!!! This is what I get for not checking out your blog for a while.... TWINS!!! Really, so very wonderful news!
Congrats and nice work!
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