We'd been invited to Easter Dinner at the Seamons' home in Flagstaff. Steve/Beaver was Spencer's best friend through college and their single years and Spence was Beaver's "Best Man" at his wedding...sad to say, we hadn't seen Beaver or his wife, Amelia since the wedding. And now they have 3 kids!!! Spencer was super excited to see his buddy so we were glad the trip from Phoenix to Flagstaff didn't take too long. Beaver had prepared a delicious dinner and the kids immediately made a connection. The adults sat around and caught up on the last 7 years while the kids played outside, went to the neighbors to see some animals, played the Wii and started watching a movie. It was SO good to see Beaver in the "dad" role, get to know Amelia a little better, and to meet their adorable children. We wished we had planned an extra day to spend with them.
Monday morning, the kids played their Wii again and we loaded up the car to continue northward. The two families met for lunch at a place called Strombolli's and to say goodbye. Luckily, they'll be visiting Utah within the next few months so we hope to see them sooner than in 7 years.
We decided to take a detour on our way home and visit the Grand Canyon. Neither Spence or I had ever been there so it was an experience for all of us. It was SOOOOO WINDY!!! We entered into the Park so that we'd see the South Rim. We stopped at the Watch Tower and looked at the magnificent view. Then we drove through the park to the main Visitor's Center area and saw the view from a different angle. I'm so glad we took the extra time to go see the Grand Canyon...it's something I'll never forget.
Then back in the car for another 4-5 hours...destination, Las Vegas. This time we checked into the Stratosphere. The room was so nice and we were glad to get there.
We drove home Tuesday. We hit some hail/snow and arrived home to 40 degree weather. We're so glad we had the chance to feel the sun, visit good friends, and spend time as a family. Who knows when we'll get the opportunity again?
1 year ago
I'm so glad you got to see Steve! Man, just seeing his picture made me realize how much I miss that smmiling face. What a great guy! SO GLAD YOU HAD A GOOD TIME! You all needed a Spring Break!
I'm glad you had such a fun trip! The good memories you made will last forever. Your family picture overlooking the Grand Canyon is great!
So congrats on the twins! Are you headed for a van now???? HAHA! Give us a call sometime or stop by when you guys are up this way.
Wow sounds like a lot of fun! I love road trips, and can't wait to take more as my kids get older. I have never been to the Grand Canyon either, but want to go badly!
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