Cam finished 2nd grade on June 3rd!
He has already spent one week at Granny Jane's going fishing, learning to tie knots, starting a rock collection, and reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It's hard to believe that when school starts in the fall, Gavin will be starting Kindergarten, Cam will be in 3rd grade, and we'll be moments away from welcoming two new spirits into our family.
I am now seeing the doctor weekly, having a super-ultrasound every 4 weeks, and feeling these babies move more and more. Most recently, the babies were both breech, dancing on my bladder, which explains why I can't sit through Sacrament Meeting or sleep through the night without having to get up to use the bathroom. I passed my gestational diabetes test and iron count with flying colors and am still feeling great! The only complication I'm experiencing is some occasional numbness in my arms and legs, which the doctor says is not normal but common when carrying multiples. Funny fact, I am 24 weeks, measuring at 39 weeks!!!!! Wednesday night we went to a REAL game. I ran into a woman and her husband who each were holding a newborn baby. I asked her if they were twins, which they were, just 8 weeks old. She told me that by the time she delivered she was measuring at 56 weeks so I can only imagine how much bigger I am going to get. She delivered at 36 weeks, babies both came home when she was released with no time in the NICU, she breastfeeds, and says life isn't as hard as she expected. I hope I have the same attitude when I have 8 week old babies. (Oh yes, she had 3 boys before finding out she was expecting twins. Her twins were one boy and one ironic is that?)
So we went to a REAL soccer game on Wednesday, June 9th. We got super cheap tickets because the boys were involved in Draper City Soccer so my mom, Jeff & Emily, Callie & a friend also came with us. Other than a 15 minute delay, due to lightening, it was a really enjoyable night. David Cook, American Idol winner, sang the National Anthem and did a mini-concert when the game was over. Cameron & Gavin got to wear their soccer uniforms and go out on the field while they introduced the players. Unfortunately, my camera had dead batteries. Luckily, Emily brought her camera and took some excellent pics. We're already making plans to see another game.
1 year ago
How fun! I saw Dr. Later on Wednesday and told him that I knew you :) He said you were measuring far ahead. I am so jealous you passed your tests with flying colors! But I am happy you did too. I have to take the 4 hour glucose test on Monday, yippee! I am going to be going to once a week appointments soon as well, it is crazy how different it is with twins.
I believe those little "incidents" are really "tender mercies" to give us help, assurance and good feelings about what lies ahead. AND I believe twins are sent to the "super organized"! Enjoy your summer little family!
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