The shower that was given to me in Idaho Falls was wonderful. So many family members and friends (whom I've missed so much since moving to Utah) came. It was so nice to see you all, to hold your babies, to visit and catch up on the latest in your families, and WOW was I spoiled?!? We got so many lovely gifts for these babies. I really feel blessed to have you all as friends/family. A few photos:
I forgot to mention that Cameron went to Cub Camp a few weeks ago and loved it. Here's a picture of him the first morning:
I am now officially 30 weeks. I told Spencer that if we ordered something from an informercial, chances are that the babies would get here before the product (you know how they always say, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.) My doctor won't commit to a date yet but I'm now telling people that we only have 6 weeks left. Maybe that's optimistic since 6 weeks puts us right around Labor Day and I'm 99% sure that my doctor won't deliver me until after the long weekend. We have a super-ultrasound this week. I'm excited to see the size of the babies because I feel like they are HUGE. I am now measuring at 47 cm. Random people in stores, elevators, at the deli in Wal-Mart, etc ask when I'm having my baby. I always try to smile and say, "Yes, I'm big enough to be having a baby any minute but we're expecting twins so we still have about 6 weeks." Lots of them will say they are sorry that I have to go through the hot summer or ask me if I'm miserable. Lucky for me, although it has been a little warm this summer, I generally go from an air conditioned house to an air conditioned car to an air conditioned store so the heat hasn't really bothered me too much. And generally speaking, I'm not miserable. I try to keep a positive attitude and I think that helps. Sure, I have my down days and I hate the fact that my friend/Visiting Teacher had to sweep my floors this week because I cannot bend over to pick up anything but I'm so grateful that I have friends who are constantly asking what they can do to help and a husband who carries things up the stairs for me or runs back down the stairs if I forget something and a mother who cleaned my basement yesterday. See I'm lucky and blessed! And I only have 6 more weeks left!
My mom and dad kept Gavin & Owen at their house for 5 days last week. The boys got to spend lots of time with their cousins, go to the zoo, play at multiple parks, have numerous picnics, and basically get spoiled by Granny for a while. While they were gone, Grandma & Grandpa Styer called and asked if they could have Cameron for a couple of days. They took him to the Kennecott Copper Mine and trout fishing and he spent 2 nights at their house. I was completely alone for 2 full days! Cam came home Wednesday and Gavin & Owen returned home Thursday. Granny spent Thursday night, then left Friday afternoon and took Cameron to Idaho for the next few days. Granny & Grandpa are taking Cameron & Abbie to the Playmill Theater and I'm SO jealous. I'm sure they'll do a lot of other fun things too. My kids have wonderful grandparents and they have had a fun summer vacation spending time with them! Here are pics of Cam on his adventure with the Styer Grandparents.
1 year ago
I love that your family has been so helpful! And I am glad that you are still feeling good and doing well!
Did the Baldwin sisters plan to wear green shirts? Just wondered ;)
Oh, you are crazy cute. I am so sad that I didn't get to give you a hug on Saturday. But - I got to see your boys on Monday and that was a total treat! So, are the green shirts to represent your kid numbers rounding up to a lucky FIVE? Super cute!
Just in defense of the green shirts at the shower-----no it was not planned, totally coincidental! I have some pictures of the fun we've had with your boys that I'll send so you can add them to your blog. Sad to say, summer vacation is almost over for me. I start back to school one week from today. :(
oh my goodness nat your boys are the stinking cutest!! i love them and if you ever want to get rid of them ill take them!! i cant wait to see the new additions!!
Oh what do you in the summertime?
When all the Baldwin Sisters wear green.
Do you fish in a pool?
Or try to stay cool?
Or get ready for TWO--oh my!
Is that you do I!
What a fun summer to remember when it's cold outside!
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