I have been a crappy blogger lately. And I don't like that. I don't like when I post numerous back-dated posts in one day, just to catch up. I don't like when I take pictures but never put them on the blog. Or when I forget to take pictures of special moments. I don't like when I write a blog post in my head but take weeks to actually type it out. I'm making a valiant effort to change. Starting NOW. So, although I hate doing the backtrack thing, here are a few important and/or random things that have happened at our house recently.
One Sunday morning when we arrived at church, the ward music specialist caught me in the foyer. She asked if our boys would be willing to do a musical number in the near future. I said I'd check with them but I was sure they would say yes. And they did. We were scheduled to sing the last week of January until someone realized that week was Ward Conference. We were asked to push it back to February 27th. I had been debating between a few Primary songs that the boys could sing without much practice but nothing "felt" right. Then one night when I was up with one of the babies, a song came to my mind and I knew it would be a great song to teach them. It was called "A Young Boy Prayed" by Janice Kapp Perry. It teaches that because Joseph Smith prayed and received an answer, we can pray and know that we'll also receive an answer. Although it was only vaguely familiar to me, my mom had the music and it was scanned to me within the day. (Ahhh...the power of technology.) I started playing the song on the piano and typed out the words for Cameron & Gavin to read and then began teaching the words of the chorus to Owen. Whenever we were in the car, we'd sing the chorus. I'd sing a line and they'd sing it back, over and over and over again. Then we learned the 1st verse. Then I had the idea to have Cam learn the 2nd verse and Gavin learn the 3rd verse. These boys are SMART and I knew they could do it. We practiced as often as we could, mostly when Spencer was at work. Then one Monday night the boys decided they'd like to sing it to their dad for FHE. ***A little background info is needed at this point: Our Primary has been trying to help the Primary children recognize when they are feeling the Spirit. The kids are encouraged to write down moments that happen when they've felt the Spirit and they are printed in our monthly newsletter.*** Back to the story. So we all gathered around the piano and Spence sat in front of the boys. They sang their little hearts out and when the song was over Cam said, "Mom, I'd like to write this moment down and give it to the Primary because I can feel the Spirit right now." Gavin agreed and immediately went and phonetically wrote "I can feel the Spirit when I sing with my brothers." Tender moments!
The Saturday before they were to sing, I took the boys to the church to practice with the microphone. Just as we were finishing up Owen said, "I don't want to do this anymore." And he was serious! I was so relieved when Sunday finally came and all 3 boys stood up to the mic and sang so well. We were also very grateful for the family support that day as Aunts Sylvia, Callie, Emily, and Uncle Jeff & Miley came to our meeting. (And Granny Jane & Grandpa Rick joined us via cell phone.) I know this was just the first of many performances for my boys and I was thrilled that it was such a positive one.
I should have taken a picture of the boys that day but I didn't. I did, however, take a picture of their adorable little sister:
I have been participating in a monthly book club with some ladies from my ward. I have enjoyed each book we've read and have LOVED the discussions we have regarding the books. At our most recent gathering we started talking about the importance of strengthening your relationships. It was then and there that I decided Spencer and I needed to go on a date without the babies! If only we could find someone brave enough to babysit all 5 children at one time. Enter our fabulous home teacher, Chris Metzger. We put the babies to bed by 8 pm on Saturday (March 5th) and he came and entertained the kids. We went to dinner. That's all. But it was SOOOOO nice to be alone. To talk without being interrupted. And yes, we even held hands because neither of us had to carry a carseat! And when we got home ALL the boys were awake, including Harrison. But everyone was happy and well taken care of. We may even do it again sometime!
Earlier that day, we visited Grandma Tisa & Grandpa Dave. Grandma has been under-the-weather for a bit and hadn't seen the kids and was missing them. So we took a little drive and stayed for a couple of hours. Shortly after we got home there was a knock at the door and my Grandpa Don & his wife, Gloria, were there. They hadn't seen the babies since their blessing. We had a nice visit.
Monday night Callie cut Chopper's hair. Chopper (Spencer's brother) is one of the greatest people in the world! He has such an infectious smile and makes everyone feel at ease immediately. He had long hair...like, past-his-shoulders-long. He's the lead singer in a band and it fit him! However, he decided he was ready for a change so he asked Callie if she'd help him out. She was happy to oblige. But when he said he wanted more of a "missionary" hair cut, I nearly fell off my chair! I wish I had taken a "before" shot. (Here's a link to his wife's photo blog of some recent pics she took of him and the band, if you're interested.) Anyway. Here's the "after." Can you even believe? I think it's fab...
Tonight Uncle Jeff & Aunt Emily showed up at our door. This is highly unusual since we generally only see Jeff on the weekends. Jeff is so dedicated to his school work right now and spends hours studying. Emily had wanted to see Cameron. See, today at school they were having a special event called "Grands & Goodies." Students were supposed to invite someone who was "grand" in their life to share a "goodie" and look through the books at the book fair. I'd asked Em if she could go and she said she could but then when I talked to Cam about it he said it "didn't matter if she couldn't make it." I understood this to mean that it wouldn't matter so I told Emily not to bother...I was wrong. So she came over tonight to let him know how much she cared. Then Jeff added to her words by carving him a wand like Harry Potter. He did this in about 5 minutes and also made one for Owen & Gavin!
We are so grateful to those of you who support us in everything we do. Whether you're a relative, a ward member, an old friend, or someone who knows us through our blog...we feel your love! Now I'm mostly caught up. Six-month pictures of the babies in the next post.
1 year ago
Great catching up with your cute family! I love blog updates! Gimme more! :):):)
I loved reading everything in your entire post. From laughs to tears and tender moments and of course, the darling Miss M in zebra stripes! I love how amazing you are at teaching songs not only to your kids, but to anyone! Like songs with "oom, pa, pa and wah, wah, wah!"
So fun to chat the other morning. Love you to pieces!
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