Last Friday, July 8th, we needed to get out of the house! It was an overcast day so we couldn't go swimming, we didn't really want to go to a park, but a walk and picnic sounded fun. So Cam helped me load up the bikes and the double stroller, I made a picnic lunch, and we drove over to Emily's apartment. She lives near a walking trail so we parked in her parking lot and started walking. We walked and walked and walked. (Really the boys rode and rode and rode. I walked and walked and walked!) We stopped and ate our picnic lunch and then kept walking. When we were 3/4 of the way home, Owen just couldn't ride his bike anymore so we left it near the road and he walked with me back to the car. Then we drove and picked his bike up before coming home. In all, we went over 2.5 miles! That's a long afternoon.
1 year ago
You are such a good mom!
Perfect way to way to wear them out! Where is this trail?
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