I guess it has become a tradition for our family to spend Christmas at home and then go to Blackfoot to celebrate New Year's with the Tew's. We arrived Friday afternoon and Ryan & Family came over to play games. Saturday we took it easy, preparing food for New Year's Eve and letting the kids play. Then Ryan, No'el and girls came over again. We had a nacho bar, played Hed Banz, Scattergories, Scrabble, and the men watched football. Ryan told the kids that the Prophet had said to ring in the New Year at 10:00 so that we could get a good night's rest before Church the next morning (LOL). The kids almost believed him! We decided we'd toast to a new year at 11. A few minutes before 11, Ryan got SO sick! We quickly brought the new year in with ginger ale & sprite and sent their family home...

Sunday, my mom and I had decided to do a piano duet in her ward as a musical number. Sometime between Ryan's family leaving and all of us getting up to get ready for church, I got sick. I could barely get from the bedroom to the bathroom. I tried to get ready and go to church so we could play our duet and then I'd come home. But I just couldn't do it! I felt horrible, both physically and because I knew I was letting my mom down. There wasn't much I could do though and she understood. The rest of the family went to church while I laid in bed and ran to the bathroom. I knew I wanted to get home but didn't know how I could make the 3 hour drive without having to stop a million times. I told Spence to get us packed and ready and he did. Miraculously, we were able to drive the entire way, only stopping once. I was so glad to be home and felt better within the next day or so. What a way to welcome 2012!
That was a fun weekend until you got sick! Then it totally went downhill from there. I love how your kids and Ryan's kids love playing with each other. I just wish we could all get together more often!
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