May was such a busy month and without my camera, I'm limited on the pictures I can post. Luckily, Spence and I got new cell phones (iPhone 4S) so I've been taking a few pictures and videos. I am not uploading the videos to the blog though, sorry.
Gavin had an end-of-the-year program for his French Immersion class. He has really done well in learning to speak and understand French and he has the cutest accent! They did the entire play of "Puss in Boots" in French. I didn't understand a thing but Spence did. They also sang a bunch of songs in French. Gavin was pretty proud and so were we. (Lots of video of this event, no pictures.)
We spent the long Memorial Day Weekend in Idaho with our Tew Family. Although it rained Friday and Saturday, we still found a few ways to have fun. We went to a place in Pocatello with a giant foam pit. Gavin showed no fear and jumped and flipped into the pit numerous times. Cam's quite a bit more timid and a little afraid of heights so although he would run and jump into the pit, he never got around to jumping from the upper level. There were a few trampolines that Owen loved jumping on too. We ate at Pizza Pie Cafe and headed back to Blackfoot.
When we got there, the power started flickering. This was a strange phenomenon for my boys and they thought we were playing a joke on them. The power went off and on for a little while and then suddenly went out...and was out for 6 hours! Ryan & No'el didn't lose power so we went to their house for a while and made dinner and then went back to my parents'. We wished they had canceled church due to the power outage but it was back on by 10-ish Saturday evening.
After church on Sunday, we had a lovely steak and homemade french fry dinner at Ryan's house. My kids sure love their cousins and it's nice to be able to just let them play and play and play.
We also went to the annual Hugh & Marie Baldwin Family Reunion on Memorial Day. It was fun to visit the graves of our loved ones and then meet at the Stake Center for lunch and visiting. I was glad we had made the trip, it was so fun to catch up with many cousins. We all missed Emily, Jeff, and Miley.
If Callie or my mom have pictures of this weekend, I'll post them. If not, oh well.
1 year ago
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