***Please be patient with the author of this blog who has been enjoying life instead of blogging about it...She is trying to get caught up.There may be gaps of time between posts because I believe in post-dating and will continue to get caught up by post-dating.***
Cameron had the greatest experience as a first-year football player. His coaches were upbeat and positive most of the time. They really taught him to love the game! Because they won their division, they got huge trophies and had a fabulous end of the year banquet. The coaches were brothers and the one on the right does Christian Rap...so he wrote the team a rap that said each of the players names. Cam's part said, "You know I'm not a liar, he'll run you over big, he's BIG DOG CAMERON STYER!"
Coach Quinton Jefferson, Cameron, Coach Adrienne Jefferson |
Championship game played in the snow! |
Cam, Offensive Line, with white hip pads. |
We are the Champions!
Trying to keep warm before the championship game. |
Trophies and gift bags for each player. |
Cameron with Coach Hughes.
(Greg Hughes, State Representative, who promised the team that he would take them to meet the Governor and to the opening session of Congress!) |
After the big game with some of #92's biggest fans. |
Cam had a great support system...in fact, both sets of grandparents, many friends, and every single Uncle & Aunt (except one) came to at least one game. We are already looking forward to next season!
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