It doesn't appear to be dark in the gym but for some reason, my camera won't take a very good picture there.
Cameron is on a basketball team of 8 kindergarten boys. Two of his favorite buddies are on the team, Dawson & Noah. Noah's dad is the coach. They had one practice and then got to play their very first game. Cam is very mellow but actually got a little aggressive toward the end...too bad he was fighting for the ball against his own teammate! He even got enough courage to try to shoot the ball once. (He missed but it was very close as it bounced off the rim.) He is very excited about this sport. He'll be playing until the end of February. 
After the game, we went to McDonald's with Dawson's & Noah's families. The boys thought it was so fun to be together. Gavin loved playing with Madi, Tanner, and Carsten. And Owen nearly ate an entire hamburger!!!
Good grief! Cameron has just got to stop growing until I get home. Keep all those pictures coming, Natalie!
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