We had the opportunity to tour the Rexburg Temple yesterday with Ryan, No'el, Abbie, Avery, Granny Jane and Grandpa Rick. It was so beautiful. Owen really liked hearing his voice echo in the Celestial Room and would not stop. At one point during the tour, Gavin started singing softly. I nudged him and told him we needed to be quiet. He kept singing...but when I knelt down to whisper softly that he needed to be quiet, I noticed he was singing, "I Love to See the Temple." What a tender moment. 

The Temple really is beautiful and I was so glad we could be there with our little grandchildren. I had a little tender moment with Gavin as well. In the celestial room, he was tired of walking and wanted to be picked up. As I was holding him, and the room was all quiet, he put his arms around my neck and gave me the biggest 3-year old squeeze I've ever had. Then as he kissed me on the check several times, the thought came to me that I needed to remember this particular moment and tell him about it when he's older. What a sweet boy!
I'm so glad the family was all together for these extra special moments! Jane I envy you! It makes me so happy to know even a little 3-year old can feel the great spirit that comes when we are in that important place. This little guy is VERY special! I love you Gavin!
I wish there was a way to edit your comments once they're posted, but if there is I can't figure it out. Anyway, in the above comment, I said Gavin kissed me on the "check" when of course I meant he kissed me on the "cheek." Oops.
I love that we get to take our sweet little kids to the temple!!! I'm so glad you got to go. Our tickets are for next Thursday.
I only hope my kids are old enough to make a memory and remember how wonderful it is!!!
What a special day! We can't wait to go!!
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