We were honored to walk with my mom last night at the Blackfoot Relay for Life. She is a cancer survivor of 5 years and after she walked the "Survivor's Lap" and released her purple balloon
we all joined with her on the 2nd lap, the "Caregiver's Lap."
She has always wanted to walk with her grandchildren by her side so we were happy to fulfill that little dream. Callie came from Utah and Ryan and No'el were there too. We missed Emily and Jeff who are vacationing in Virginia.
I need to do a Relay for Life someday..... Good for you! Yeah for your Mom!!!
THAT IS SO AWESOME!! Events like that make me cry ... a happy cry :)
What a great thing to involve the kids in....Things like this will make memories for them....
What a fun time! I sure appreciate all the family support I received. It made me feel so good to have them all join me on the 2nd lap. Family is what it's all about!
Yeah Aunt Jane!! Relay for life is really fun and even better to have your family all there!
Wow--what an awesome experience. I can only imagine how emotional that was for all of you! I love your Mom and all of your family. Hopefully someday soon there will be a cure.
This was a sore throat time for me to see all the Tews doing the relay for life. I am so thankful for my sisters!!!!
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