Grandpa and Uncle Ryan went on a fishing trip to Alaska and were gone for a week. They flew into Idaho Falls Airport this morning at 11:00...or at least that's what time they were supposed to arrive. But when we pulled into the parking lot at 10:45, Granny called and said that their plane had already arrived and they were walking through the gate right then! We hurried and parked and ran in and met them in the terminal and walked with them until their bags came off the carousel (and boy, did they smell like fish!!!) Aunt No'el had made cute signs for everyone to hold so we took this picture of the fishermen and grandkids...

I bet those little girls were happy to see their DAD and the rest their Grandpa!!! I can't ck your blog every day,but it was fun to see your little boys.....Did they have fun in Alaska?I mean Rick and Ryan...they have been waiting for that trip for along time!
These are some of my favorite people in the whole world! Yes, Rick and Ryan had a great time. We'll have Natalie post a picture on her blog of some of the big fish they caught!
Dave is so jealous of that fishing trip to ALASKA! You wouldn't think he lives near an ocean, now would you??? Welcome back Ryan and Rick! Glad you had a swell time!
How neat that you all went to the airport :)
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