After getting home from Uncle Ryan & Aunt No'el's house the boys put on their new Granny Jammies and left cookies and a note for Santa.
And Santa came! He brought Owen a blue light saber, Gavin a Nintendo 64 and some games, and Cameron a BB Gun! The boys were so excited. We spent the rest of the weekend playing with the new loot and Cam practiced shooting his new gun. It was fun to share Christmas with Granny & Grandpa, Aunt Callie, and Aunt Emily & Uncle Jeff.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009
Posted by Natalie at 12:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
We had a hard time decided where to spend the holidays this year. We debated back and forth between staying at our house or going to Idaho. Idaho won (due to the special gift Cameron had asked Santa for (a BB gun). I just wanted him to be able to use it and didn't think that would be feasible in our back yard.) So after having dinner with the Styer Grandparents & opening their gifts on the 23rd, we loaded the car (and I mean LOADED) and left Thursday morning, Christmas Eve. Cam left a note for Santa on the new white board/chalk board easel from G & G Styer.
We arrived in Blackfoot around 1. Emily & Jeff were already there, Callie was on her way. We went to Ryan's for dinner...numerous appetizers and soup in bread bowls. (Notice No'el's awesome Christmas sweater. She got it as a white elephant gift, can you believe anyone would give that lovely thing away?)
Shortly after dinner, Jette was getting cranky and ready to go to bed. Granny carried on the tradition of opening one gift before bed (always pajamas) so Jette got hers first. She wasn't very excited this year because she was so sleepy but she looked pretty darn cute, don't you agree?
We all went down to enjoy Ryan & No'el's newly finished basement while we had our Nativity program. Here are our shepherds & Joseph:
Our lone angel:
The entire cast:
The only problem was that no one had brought a script so Ryan ad-libbed and the kids sang a few special songs. Our boys sang with a special choir number at church, "In the Stable" so they sang their verse. Abbie sang "Picture a Christmas". And they all sang Mary & Joseph.
Then things started getting a little silly. The kids sang "Jingle Bells," the sisters sang "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas,"
Ryan & Gavin did a little break dancing and "The Worm", and on and on...There was A LOT of laughing and great memories were made.
Posted by Natalie at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas FHE
For Family Home Evening, Monday night, we went into Downtown SLC to see the lights on Temple Square. Emily & Jeff went with us. We found out that our cousin, Krissa, who is serving a mission on Temple Square, was performing each Monday night in the South Visitor's Center. We had no idea what time she'd be singing so after we parked we went straight to the Visitor's Center to see if a schedule was posted. As we walked into the building we could hear music. Emily looked at me and we both said, "That's Krissa." We followed the music to a performing area and there she was with another sister missionary and her guitar.
We were so lucky to have made it in time. She sang for about thirty minutes and then was finished for the night. She is so talented.
After we looked at the lights and took a picture (my camera died so Emily took our family photo so I'll post it later) we loaded back into our car and went to Liberty Park. For those of you in the SLC area, put this on your calendars for next's called Echoes of Christmas and it's a live nativity. My good friend, Hillary, had told us we should take the boys and to dress warm. The Nativity is outdoors, complete with real animals (including a camel). You move from one area to the next, guided by a Shepherd. At each scene, a performer sings. You get to see, hear, and feel the Christmas story from the perspective of the shepherds, wise men, Mary & Joseph, the innkeeper and his wife who let the couple stay in the stable, and a choir of angels. It was COLD and took about 40 minutes to go through but it was worth our time. The Echoes of Christmas only runs for one week (minus Sunday) so it's already over this year but we'll return next year and you should try to as well.
Posted by Natalie at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cam's 8th Birthday
Cameron has finally reached that very important birthday of turning EIGHT! I seriously cannot believe it has been 8 years since he was born and I became a mom. His birthday always helps turn my thoughts to our Savior's birth and I think of Mary and how she must have felt at that time. I clearly remember my thoughts and feelings eight years ago as I anticipated the birth of our first son. We were anxious to become parents but very nervous as well. (I recorded Cam's birth story last year so I won't do that again this year but if you're interested, click here.)
Cameron was the KING of his classroom for the week of December 7th. We made a poster and got to go share a few things about Cam. He wanted me to tell funny stories but I had a really hard time coming up with much. We told the story about when he was still a baby, maybe 9 months old, and Aunt Callie was feeding him his rice cereal. He looked at her and clearly said, "Tall Giraffe." We still laugh about that one.
Recently he has wanted to start dressing "like a missionary" for church. This came as a surprise to us because he went through a phase when he would tell us he didn't want to serve a mission and he never wanted to move out of our house. Now he wants to look the part and tells me that he's excited for his 19th birthday so he can go on a mission. His only request for his birthday this year was a SUIT! Isn't he handsome?
We had a little birthday party for him with Aunt Callie, Emily & Jeff, Chopper & Niki, and Grandma & Grandpa Styer on Sunday night. He chose the menu: sloppy joes, crab salad, chips, and chocolate cake! He received many nice gifts from those who came to the party and from Granny Jane & Grandpa Rick. Aunt Callie gave him an outfit that she let him pick out himself, jeans, t-shirt & zip up sweater. Em & Jeff gave him a CTR ring. Styer Grandparents gave him new scriptures, a baptismal book and plaque. Tew grandparents gave him a scout shirt and book, a scripture case, and a CTR zipper tie.
Cameron will be baptized in January.
Posted by Natalie at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cam's Christmas Program
Cam's 2nd grade class did a choral reading of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
They sang the song first but the CD kept skipping and the students would start to giggle, then the parents would giggle in response, and the teacher would start the CD over. They tried three times but never got through the entire song.
Then they read the parts of Mr. Grinch in groups. Each child wore a Santa hat. If they didn't bring one from home, one was provided. Cam didn't tell me about this until the morning of and he insisted that I had to find him a hat to wear because the hats at the school "looked weird, they stand straight up!" Lucky for us, Grandpa Dave had a few hats and he let Cam borrow one. I'm sorry to say that I didn't even get a very good picture of any of the kids who had to wear the "weird hats". However, you can see them in the video if you're curious.
Posted by Natalie at 6:43 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
G's Christmas Program
Gavin's preschool had it's Christmas Program on December 10th. (I took a video of his class singing "You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry" but for some reason, it won't upload. I'll try again later.) There isn't a stage so the kids are sitting on chairs which are on top of tables so that the parents would be able to see. Gavin was on an end and, because he is such a wiggly boy, we were on the edge of our seats, worried that he was going to slip off the table. Spencer guaranteed me that if G started falling, Spence would rush up there and catch him before he hit the ground. I was relieved when the program was over and G was still happily and securely sitting on his chair.
Santa made a visit. Gavin was thrilled to sit on his lap and ask for a Nintendo 64. There were a lot of kids just as eager and Gavin was patient and waited his turn. He even let some of the girls go first and said, "Ladies before Gentlemen." He's going to be such a little charmer in a few years.
Cam was a little embarrassed because he's wondering if he's a little too old to sit on Santa's lap. And when he asked for a BB Gun, Santa actually said, "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" Cam laughed and told Santa that was what his parents had said.
Owen was completely unsure about Santa. He didn't want to sit on his lap until the VERY end...then only if mom would hold onto him while he was sitting. However, after he got on Santa's lap, he relaxed and we actually saw a smile (almost).
Posted by Natalie at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dear Santa...
The boys each wrote a letter to Santa. We laughed a lot and wanted to share. For some reason, Cam's letter didn't upload as big as the other two. His is the funniest so I typed what he wrote. Dear Santa, I want a light saber. I've been good. Owen, 2-years-old
Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. I am 5-years-old and I try to be good. Gavin
Dear Santa Claus, I want a B.B. gun. Please tell me if I am good or bad. Cameron, 8-years-old (He'll be 8 December 20th but he decided to sign his letter as how old he'd be on Christmas)
Posted by Natalie at 4:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Snow Party (minus the Snow)
Gavin had a snow-themed party on Saturday, even though there wasn't any snow on the ground yet. He had 5 friends from church come.
First, they made a snowman that we put on a 2-liter bottle and they got to go "snowman bowling".
Then they played "Pin-the-nose-on-the-snowman".
Then it was time for "Stomp the Snowball" (which didn't work out as well as I was hoping but the video is funny.)
Then we opened presents and had Snowball Cake. Yum!
Later Saturday evening it started to snow. Now it's beginning to look like Christmas at our house! I love this time of year.
Posted by Natalie at 2:10 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gavin's 5th
Gavin turned 5 on Monday. We celebrated with the Tew's while we were still in Blackfoot. He got a green remote control car and an outfit from Granny & Grandpa and a Playdough set from Aunt No'el and Uncle Ryan.
Aunt Callie, Aunt Emily & Uncle Jeff gave him a Leapster. That thing is the BEST gift ever. He's played it almost nonstop. He loves it.
Uncle Tom gave him a Pirate Book & some fun Pirate toys and a Frog that grew when placed in water. Here is the progress of the frog over a 7-day period:
We gave him a game for the Leapster and we went to dinner with Grandma & Grandpa Styer. G & G Styer gave him some puzzles, a Dr. Seuss game, and War (the card game.)
Gavin went to the doctor for his well-child check up today. He is 44 inches tall and weighs 44 pounds. He is such a smarty. He's learning sign language at preschool and is going to start a reading program in January. He is so musically talented. He is a good little singer in Primary and Preschool. We sure love him and we're glad he is part of our family.
Posted by Natalie at 2:31 PM 3 comments
The Giving of Thanks
We celebrated Thanksgiving twice this year. The first was with the Styer Family on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Dave & Tisa, David (Uncle Dude), Chopper & Niki, and Tom came to our house for dinner. We had Italian Chicken with mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, rolls, Pretzel salad, and pecan and pumpkin pie. (Go here for the Italian Chicken and Pretzel Salad recipes.) It was the first time in 6 years that we'd all been together. The boys love their uncles and the uncles seemed to enjoy them as well. It was such a good evening and we hope to see them all soon.
The second celebration was with the Tew Family. We drove to Blackfoot on Wednesday night after Callie got out of school. It was ten o'clock when we got on I-15 and we arrived a little after one AM! I was so thankful for a husband who can drive without getting sleepy because the rest of us napped. Thursday was spent with my parents, Ryan & No'el and girls, Callie, and our family. We had the traditional dinner and it was so so so yummy. I discovered that I have finally developed taste buds that enjoy YAMS. No'el brought cream corn that was delicious. Mom & Dad homemade the rolls and pies. We were spoiled!
Friday we met No'el, Abbie, Avery, and Jette at Riverside Elementary. Our good friends, Krissy & Dan came over too. The kids had a lot of fun burning off some extra energy. They played basketball and rode scooters and we got out the big parachute. Jette sat in the middle of all the balls and crawled around on the floor.
Even the adults played a game of Lightning. Krissy won. Ryan came to the school a little later. He let each child climb into the salad bar and twirled them around the gymnasium. They thought their uncle was SO funny. My mom swore us to secrecy so SHHH...
Saturday we played games and lounged around. When Ryan & No'el and the girls came over that evening we decorated gingerbread men. Notice that Callie's had a broken arm...she called him Grandpa Hugh and decorated him with Red boots.
Posted by Natalie at 1:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon Premier
As I bragged on Facebook...Spencer, Callie, Nichole (Callie's friend), and I were lucky enough to have tickets to the PREMIER of New Moon tonight. (Thanks for an awesome night, Hillary.) The show started at 9:30! We had to wear these sweet lanyards and have a ticket to be admitted.
We entered our theater around 8:40 and the only place with 4 vacant seats was the 2nd row. We didn't mind too much but got a little dizzy. They warned the entire theater that if they saw any lights (camera or cell phone) they'd kick us out without hesitation. Luckily we took this (horrible) picture on our way in...
I won't say too much about the movie but I will say that before New Moon I claimed to be a "Jedward" fan because I liked them both. I am now officially on Team Jacob. Anyone else?
Posted by Natalie at 12:36 AM 2 comments