Today is Cameron's 7th birthday! How can my firstborn be 7-years-old already? Because I've never recorded much about his birth, I've decided to write a few memories today: Cameron wasn't due until January 7th but I had a few complications with his pregnancy (gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and I was measuring at 42 weeks when I was really only 37+ weeks.) On December 19th at my doctor's appointment, my doc told me that he'd like to "start" me and instructed me to go home and wait for the hospital to call to let us know there was a room ready for us. We lived in Smithfield, Utah (Cache Valley) and both Spence and I worked for the Shuttle. Our boss, Clark Taylor, came over to our house to help Spence give me a blessing and as soon as we'd said "amen" the phone rang and it was the hospital. We went immediately and I felt so weird checking in and saying, "I'm here to have a baby." They started me on PIT but after 18 hours, my doctor told me they'd probably need to do a C-Section and I was okay about that. Spence and I still had 3 names for the baby and had decided to wait to see him before we chose. After he was born they briefly put his cute little face up to mine. I gave him a quick kiss and then they took him to weigh him and clean him up. As Spence was taking him for his first bath, he turned to me and asked, "What should I tell them his name is?" Still on the operating table, I replied, "Decide on the way!" Obviously, Spencer chose Cameron (which was secretly my favorite of the 3 names.)
A few random facts about Cameron:
1. When he was first weighed in the OR, the nurse said he was over 9 pounds. A few hours later when he was weighed again in the nursery, he was 7 lbs 14 oz. They had to go back to the surgical records and they realized the nurse hadn't cleared the scale before putting him on it!
2. Cameron is very tender hearted.
3. Cameron is the first grandchild of Dave & Tisa and the first grandson of Rick & Jane.
4. Cameron is a good helper (most of the time) and has already shoveled the driveway many times this year while I've been teaching piano lessons.
5. Cameron (used to and maybe still does) twists the front part of his hair when he is nervous.
6. Cameron's favorite color is RED.
7. Cameron has lived in in 8 different homes in his short 7 years.
8. Cameron has flown to/from Hawaii and to/from Arizona.
9. One of Cam's best friends is a GIRL!
10. Cameron has played soccer, football, t-ball, and basketball. He currently enjoys running and tells me he does "running club" during recess. (I'm still not sure what that means, I guess they just run and run and run?)
11. Cameron loves to sing and play the piano.
12. Cameron got to go to a Jazz game with his dad last week!
13. Cam's a thinker---he is not spontaneous about anything and has to think through most decision for a while before he's sure.
14. Cameron likes to figure out how things work.
15. Cameron is a great big brother and a super son! We sure love him.
Happy Birthday Cam!
1 year ago
What a great post! Happy b-day Cameron.
We were happy to be able to spend Cam's birthday with him. He is our oldest grandson and is a great example to his little brothers and cousin. He is very calm and tries to be good all the time! We love our 7-year old Cam!
Granny and Grandpa
Park had so much fun at the party despite the fact that the birthday boy was sick:( Poor guy! Hope he is feeling better!
I remember so well the day Cam came into the world. We are very happy Cam is a part of our family...even though he looks exactly like Grandpa Rick! (But we love Grandpa Rick too!) Enjoy this time Cameron, for all too quickly, you'll be the dad of a 7 year old!
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