It seems like we've been going non-stop this week but that's because we have. Due to our rainy spring weather and cancelled soccer games, Cam had games Monday and Tuesday nights, Gavin had a game Wednesday night. Also Wednesday night, I had my Spring Piano Recital. I had 21 students perform and the recital only lasted 1 hour. Everyone did great, I honestly could not have been more proud of them. Most had their pieces memorized. The best part of the recital is that the Piano Gallery, where we had the recital, makes a DVD for the teacher so I'll be able to share it with anyone who is interested. I really love teaching piano lessons and hope to be able to continue for a long time. I plan to take a break when the babies are born but to start back up once we're in a routine. It's part of what makes me feel good about myself. I love to see those kids grow.
We are now starting in to a busy schedule of doctor's appointments. We get to have the super-ultrasound every 4 weeks and see my regular doctor every 2 weeks so if anyone wants 2 adorable boys any Wednesday morning, let me would be much appreciated! We'll be starting into weekly appointments mid-June. Busy, busy!
Last week we got a package in the mail from my mom and dad. Enclosed were these cute things:
And yesterday, Spencer brought a gift home from our dear friends, the Hertzler's. Inside were these:
Both sets are Preemie-sized and are so TINY!!! I giggle every time I look at them because they are just adorable! Thanks (Mom and Alyssa) for thinking of us when you go to the store and for helping us prepare for our twins.
A couple other cute things we've picked up in the last week:
(Callie bought the pink one.)
And isn't this the cutest iron-on ever?
What should I put it on...hats, onesies, ???
1 year ago
I just have to comment on how adorable those tiny little clothes are! It will be so fun to meet the two little ones who will wear them -- but not too soon. September will be great!
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