Gavin's soccer season is OVER! Technically there is one more game but it happens to be at the same time as Preschool Graduation next week so he played his last game yesterday. He even scored a goal!!! His team was called the Yellow Rocks...don't you just love the names 5-year-olds come up with? He was fun to watch because he would giggle and smile the entire time. He has so much energy and he's already looking forward to next season. Here he is taking a breather:
In action:
Getting treats after the game (the best part):
We told the team we'd like to take a few pictures so they all lined up. They couldn't just stand still though so we got one or two serious poses and then they all wanted to pull silly faces. What fun!
1 year ago
Gavin looks so handsome in his soccer uniform! It kind of makes me giggle to see those little kids all lined up in official uniforms, yet when you watch them play, it's like a bunch of little sheep running around! Sad I didn't get to see Gavin play, but I hope I have an opportunity in the future sometime, and I appreciate the blog stories and pictures.
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