To pierce or not to pierce...that is the question. The topic is now open for discussion and there is a poll on my sidebar. I'd love if everyone who looks at this blog would vote. (You don't have to sign in and there is no way I can track who voted so it's totally anonymous.)
And just a couple cute pics from the previous week:
1 year ago
I would wait a little bit to pierce her ears...when they are babies their ears are still growing so sometimes when they get older they can end up being uneven. But they sure are cute on babies.
They were totally cute at the Christmas party! I can't believe how big Harrison is! He is making up for lost time in the womb for sure :) I am not sure I have an opinion on ear piercing babies...but the reason I would say to wait is that it is so much fun to get it done when you are older. My mom surprised me and let me pierce mine for Christmas when I was nine and I was so excited! We also went to see a movie after to take my mind off the stinging :) Good tip!
My vote is for absolutely - but, absolutely wait for a while. We did Grace's when she was about 7 months and had the piercings centered perfectly. Now her earlobes have grown so much and they are completely off center now. I wouldn't mind if the hole had ended up higher in the lobe, but it's lower. Now we're going to have to wait until she is big enough to understand why I need to let her holes close and repierce again. Rachel's were find (she was 2.5) but even I got mine done at 5 and my holes ended up a bit off. Patience is only a good thing at this point.
What can I say? I agree with all the above comments with a smile on my face! She's such a pretty girl, earrings or no earrings.
We decided to wait until Sari's old enough to decide for herself-and MAYBE then she won't cry! Or at least if she does, she made the decision herself so I won't feel so guilty :)
Hey Natalie, It's Emily (Surerus) Jones. I hope you don't mind me peeking at your blog, I pierced Gwen's ears when she was two months old and it was super hard to get them even and straight. I regreted it at first and now I love it, but I worry they will be off when she is older. I don't think it will be that noticable though (mine are probably off too, how could they be perfect) I am glad I did it especially when I heard this little girl at church a while ago say "MOM why didn't you pierce my ears when I was a baby!" Her Mom said she wants them SOOO bad but is too nervous to get them done. Just so you know though (cuz I had no idea) its expensive! We went to Clairs and it was around 40 bucks! I was thinking like 20 so I was a little shocked! So cute though, I would say do it! I did!
Cute Christmas kids! And best buds already, look at them holding hands! So I am a bit of a party pooper when it comes to babies with piercings... I would wait until they are a little older, like years older...
Having said that, tiny pierced ears are cute...
So helpful! :)
She's your daughter. You earned her. After all of those boys, you deserve to do whatever your little heart desires! There are valid arguments for both but I say, follow your heart...hahahahahaha
It's been a while since I looked at blogs! Your family picture is sooooo cute! I love the orange and brown. The twins are getting so big-and can they be any cuter??? I saw I missed your call the other day-I was out shopping with Mugs and Mom (and our 5 little fun) Call me back-we need to catch up! (or I'll call you...:) Hope to talk to ya soon!
Oh, and seeing how I didn't get my OWN ears pierced til I was 22 (!!!!) you can probably guess what my vote is! It sure is cute though so either way...I know...I'm so helpful! :)
Was searching for my GF's blog with same last name and came across yours. Read you interesting
question to others about whether or not to have dd's ears pierced.
I went through the same dilemma as you, but leaned over the fence and had them pierced after asking our ped who encouraged me to go ahead when mommy could care for them. Know you've put your decision on hold, but if you're still thinking about it or like me continue to see cute babies and little girls with darling little pierced earrings, then you can easily change your mind.
Don't worry about following your own mommy intuition on this one and promise she'll be adorable with little earrings. Since I went through changing my mind too, I put into words a little of why I went ahead now.
Admittedly, I know a lot of people have strong feelings when to pierce a child's ear. "Let them
decide" is being replaced by parental decision when mommy intuition knows, "earlier is better" from either personal or friend's experiences of unpleasant childhood ear piercing. I think it
just depends on your own personal choice whether or not you wish your baby or little girl to have
pierced ears.
Some feel perceived gender of their child is important while others find it a cultural tradition where all infant girls have pierced ears. I pierced our oldest daughter's ears when she was two months old and our youngest at just days old. We found an experienced individual where they specialized in infant piercing.
Our oldest daughter just turned two and has never had an infection, pulled them out, and she's never even played with her earrings (which is amazing in my book). My mom pierced my ears when I was 2 weeks old and I've loved it....I think earrings on little girls are adorable!
If you don't know how she'd look at any age, then hold up a pair of your studs to each ear and decide for yourself. Many moms including myself like the look of earrings on babies and little girls for no specific reason, but like how light plays off a simple gold ball on a bald baby girl or small gold hoop poking through the hair of a toddler.
Cerebrally, as mothers of girls of all ages, we know it celebrates their femaleness and femininity. After all, they are little girls, right? Growing up I remember many of my little girlfriends were not allowed to get their ears pierced. I could never understand it...but when their parents did finally let them, it always seemed they'd get infected because they were constantly touching them or trying to change out the earrings before they were supposed to. Many said it was painful, but all cried having a great deal of angst leading up to and including the
actual ear piercing.
To each their own but I think the earlier the easier. If we have another girl, I will pierce her
ears early as well. As I said, our pediatrician encouraged me to go ahead before she aware of her surrounding or developed a pincer grip to play with her ears. She gave me some suggestions for moms having their daughter's ears pierced. They seem to apply to all ages.
If you'd like our ped's tips, then don't hesitate to write me an e-mail.
Just when is the best time to pierce your daughter's ears? It is when you are ready to care for
them during the healing phase. They are very easy to care for. If you decide to do it as a newborn or infant, then I promise she'll thank you later!
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