My mom has worked at an Elementary School for 15+ years. Because of this, she has a lot of Christmas sweaters that are Elementary School appropriate. She's been collecting them for a while and she has some real "gems." Some of the ladies in my ward wanted to start a book club and decided that our first meeting would also be an Ugly Sweater Party. My friends said they were going to go to D.I., but I just called my mom! She admits some of her sweaters are U-G-L-Y and was happy to bring me a few to choose from. I loaned the two I didn't choose to my dear friends, Whitney & Kama. Yes, we are cute!!!
By the way, if anyone wants to know what we're reading at our book club, just ask and I'll send you the list for the year.
1 year ago
We totally rocked our sweaters! I love that it is standard for elementary teachers to have sweaters like this :)
Natalie-love all your posts! Your twins are so cute!(which I have never seen them!)You are totally amazing! I would love to see you & family if you come to Blackfoot for Christmas!
Those are some good lookin' chicks, in some good lookin' sweaters!
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