Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Before and After, as requested by "Joe Blow"

Some "Joe Blow", who is afraid to use his own identity when he comments on my blog, wanted to see the "before and after" pictures of the work we did on our home in Idaho Falls. I'm happy to oblige...but it'd be nice if Joe Blow would tell me who he really is.


After the first day:

The final result:

The yard still doesn't look as good as it did when it received constant care but I decided it looked good enough that I could sleep at night. :)

Update: Joe Blow=Spencer Styer. I think he was feeling bad that I didn't show the results of his hard work. Also, I need to thank my in-laws for driving to Idaho Falls to do yard work for a day. We honestly couldn't have done as much without them.


Jeff and Alyssa Hertzler said...

Holy Bananas Batman! What a difference. Looks great! Glad Joe Blow turned out to be your hubby and not mine- sounded a little like something mine would say so I was a tad worried.:)

Adrienne said...

Wow! Great job! Maybe next time you're in Idaho Falls you could make my yard look that nice too:)