Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Very LONG Week

I haven't posted anything since last Friday which doesn't mean that nothing has happened. On the contrary, we have been SO busy all week that I haven't even sat at the computer for longer than 5 minutes. Why so busy? I was singing with a women's quartet (we call ourselves the "Who-Ha's" which is a story in itself) and we were supposed to perform tonight at a production in Idaho Falls put together by the IF Opera Theater (which we aren't officially a part of.) I say we were "supposed" to sing because last night, after a terrible rehearsal, we dropped out. It was a huge decision but we decided that we didn't want to be associated with the production any longer. The director understood which I was relieved about. Anyway, we've been practicing all week and we (as a quartet) have become quite close, so although we won't be performing tonight, this is just the beginning for the "Who-Ha's!"

Also during the week I had to help with Visiting Teaching Interviews, the Relief Society Birthday party, and I painted my living room. It was a long week and I am so glad it is over.


Gma Tisa said...

I'd love to know the story of the "Who-Ha's"! Hope your weekend is a long and relaxing one.