Monday, September 1, 2008

Birthday Dinners & Goodbyes

Grandma Tisa and Grandpa Dave visited Idaho/Utah for the entire month of August. Cameron and Gavin loved getting to know their grandparents again. They moved to Hawaii when Cameron was just 14 months old and Gavin had only met them one time, 2 years ago prior to this. Owen had not met them but it took him only a minute to fall in love with both of them. He didn't call Grandma "Grandma" because he learned that he could call her "Tisa" and everyone would giggle. We had to say goodbye to them on Saturday night. Tom also came to dinner with us so it was a mini family reunion. We hope they'll be back for good by Christmas!

We were also celebrating my birthday that night so Emily, Jeff, and Jeff's younger brother, Thomas, and Callie and her friend, Mat, came to dinner with us. What fun...