Friday, January 11, 2008

Bread Making

For Enrichment last night I had to demonstrate how to make 90-minute (or less) bread. I had a great time. We set up 3 KitchenAids and showed the sisters the steps to make bread. Then each sister rolled her own loaf and we baked them. (Yes, we had permission to use the oven.) All the loaves turned out beautifully and it smelled so good.

We also had a service auction. I bid and won a dinner/dessert to be made for our family whenever we want and a free night of babysitting while we attend the temple. I'm excited to use them both.


Jane said...

Can you see why we call Natalie Martha Stewart? She's such a domestic girl!

Gma Tisa said...

I loved these pictures! Such an "enriching" thing to show everyone! I can almost smell the bread now! Mmmmm! I DO have the best daughter-in-law in the world!!! She can do anything!

Team Hanni said...

What a bonus for going to enrichment! All of your hard work will be so worth it when you get your yummy meal and temple date! Fun!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Yumm!! We just had a service auction too-funny!

Jake and Megan said...

Looks like a fun Bread class. I never did make to my class.